30 Cybersurveillance


The policing of gender online is both individual and systemic, and is of paramount concern to most Internet users. In October 2014, the Canadian Parliament passed Bill C-13: Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act, a bill touted as a defence against cyber-bullying. In short, anyone who posts or transmits an “intimate image” of another individual without that person's consent could face up to 5 years in prison. Bill C-13 also enables greater police powers: Internet Service Providers may be forced to hand over customer information without a warrant. In Canada, in recent years, 9 telecommunications companies received approximately 1.2 million requests from federal law enforcement agencies for private customer information every year.


L'avènement de l'ère de l'information et de la propagation de la connectivité sur Internet ont ouvert une frontière nouvelle, virtuelle. Il n’y a pas si longtemps, une ère est apparue pendant laquelle la barrière entre les sexes est tombée et les relations sociales plus égalitaires ont pu émerger. La vie à l'écran promettait la malléabilité de l'identité - de l'autoconstruction du soi.