
Delia et Kara

Le Mode Delian est un court métrage documentaire de Kara Blake ayant pour sujet le travail de Delia Derbyshire. Je l'ai vu pour la première fois, il y a quelques années, au festival Regard sur le court métrage à Chicoutimi et je me rappelle avoir découvert avec enthousiasme Delia, musicienne électronique, et Kara, réalisatrice et animatrice, deux artistes qui m'étaient inconnues jusqu'à ce jour. 



Does Carrie Fisher Have Twitter? And Other Stories

It took me a long time to see any value in Twitter, but I ultimately came around to it about a year ago. As I got more and more invested in the social network I started to really appreciate the different ways in which it is used, and to admire it as an extremely fraught system of self-expression.

A friend recently pointed me in the direction of this blog post, How Many Women Do You Follow on Twitter?. Briefly, it suggests that most people feel they’re following more women on Twitter than they actually are – similar to the phenomenon that a room which contains 17% women will often be perceived as being populated by half men and half women. As it turns out, while I would have guessed my own percentage to be a little higher, at the time I checked 56% of the people I follow on Twitter are women.

I’m frequently encouraging my quippy friends to start tweeting, and if any of them ever listened to me, these are some of the women I’d suggest they follow.

Technology & Guilt

Yet Another Unrealistic Expectation for WomenAs a new member of the .dpi team I’m anxiously awaiting the next issue, .dpi’s 28th edition, Gender-ed Cultures on the Internet. It promises to engage with some of the ideas I'm most fascinated with right now and I can barely wait for the launch this Saturday.

The internet, suffice it to say, has taken a forefront in my life of late. On one hand I feel incredibly excited about the near-infinite possibilities it presents, but I find myself lapsing into more extreme periods of 'internet guilt'. Is my near-constant use of facebook classless? And are my relationships, increasingly mediated by social media, lacking something?


Mon féminisme n'est pas coquet


Maude AdamsPhotographie de l'actrice Maude Adams

"I want to be a fucking feminist and wear a fucking Peter Pan collar."

Cette petite phrase de Zooey Deschanel parue dans le numéro de janvier 2013 du Magazine Glamour a fait et continue de faire le tour du Web : des blogues de mode aux revues féministes.

C’est quand même drôle quand on pense que l’accessoire en question doit son nom à Maude Adams (1872-1953) qui le portait pour incarner Peter Pan, le garçon qui ne veut pas vieillir. Contre la volonté de son père, la jeune femme est devenue la plus connue et la mieux payée des actrices de son époque.

Le féminisme ironique, c'est pas si drôle que ça...

am I a fucking feminist ?Image : capture d'écran du site


« Am I fucking feminist ? » est une page Web signée Meredith Fineman qui propose un très court test interactif dont le résultat vous indique si vous êtes féministe ou non. On y fait l’équation juste, bien que réduite à sa plus simple expression, entre le fait d’être pour l’équité entre les deux sexes et celui d’être féministe. 

Q&A with audio collective FÜNF

photo: Erin Sexton
FÜNF is a collective formed in 2011 that, thus far includes 6 Montreal based musicians who create sound with a myriad of handmade instruments, modified sound makers, repurposed motors, found objects, and obsolete technologies. The collective performs as a quintet, which is reflected in the FÜNF name. The members of the collective are Magali Babin, Andrea-Jane Cornell, Martine H. Crispo, Anne-Francoise Jacques, Émilie Mouchous, and Erin Sexton. 

Le Vaisseau / Solid Void : Report back

Le Vaisseau / Solid VoidVirginie Laganière, Le Vaisseau/Solid Void, Exhibition at Darling Foundry, General view, 2013. Credit photo: Guy L'heureux.

The exhibition Le Vaisseau / Solid Void, curated by Esther Bourdages, at Darling Foundry, ended last August 25th. It presented works by local artist Virginie Laganière.

Thanks to Dr Gascia OUZOUNIAN (Queen's University, Belfast) for sharing the following short review with .dpi!


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