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A Northern Portrait




A film projection performance by Lindsay McIntyre
2012, 25-30 min
A personal meditation on the Arctic in the form of a live 16mm looping performance on nine projectors. Images are layered with high-contrast mattes and colour textures on four 16mm projectors on a single screen, creating one changing image. The optical audio is looped as well, separate from the images, and mixed live on five 16mm projectors. 
A Northern Portrait has been performed at MONO NO AWARE V; at the Causey Gallery in Brooklyn, New York; Experimental Film Fest (EFF); and at The White Box Gallery in Portland, Oregon. It won Outstanding InterArts Performance at FAVAFest Awards in Edmonton in March 2013. It will be performed live at Metro Cinema's Anniversary celebration in Edmonton on September 13th, 2013.
BIO: Lindsay McIntyre is a film artist and creator from Edmonton, Alberta.  Specializing in analogue film work that emphasizes documentary, experimental and handmade techniques, her award-winning work has been shown at national and international festivals and venues.  Her short films sometimes circle themes of portraiture, place and form.  She has created 24 short films and also does film projection performance.  She generally prefers to do everything the hard way and her current filmic obsessions involve handmade emulsion, 35mm motion picture pinhole photography and all kinds of chemical manipulation of celluloid.  She teaches film production, handmade film, optical printing, hand-processing and celluloid-based image manipulation and is a member of the Double Negative Collective of Montréal. She completed an MFA degree in Film Production at Concordia University in Montreal and also holds a BFA in drawing and painting from the U of A.  She is the recipient of the Canada Council’s Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Award in Media Arts for 2013.  

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