Trevor Scott Milford and Ciara Bracken-Roche

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Trevor Scott Milford is a doctoral candidate in Sociology at Carleton University (Ottawa). His research focuses on criminological feminist analyses of women’s agency and surveillance in social networking sites including Facebook. He looks at how systemically and structurally entrenched expectations for gender performativity can constrain women’s online agency and contribute to gendered experiences of online harassment, also considering whether current policy initiatives promote women’s agency. He works closely with The eGirls Project, a cyberfeminist research project at the University of Ottawa. In his spare time, he also works with Innocence Ottawa to achieve justice for Canadians who have been wrongfully convicted.

Ciara Bracken-Roche is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology and the Surveillance Studies Centre, under the supervision of David Lyon at Queen’s University (Kingston).  Bracken-Roche’s ongoing interest is in the relationship between the state, society and the individual with a strong theoretical background in international relations, critical security and surveillance studies, and critical feminism. Her dissertation research analyzes the contribution of unmanned aerial systems to the rapid expansion of security, policing and commercial surveillance following an intersectional approach to cumulative disadvantage. Bracken-Roche has led a research project on UAVs for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and acts a member of her graduate student union’s social team in her spare time.


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