Article Layout
Title: ideally short.
Keywords: three to five, appear under the title.
Abstract: appears above the article. No footnote, hyperlink or image should appear in the abstract. 100 words maximum.
It is possible to identify sub-sections in the body of the text, under the subtitles: Optional, but recommended.
Hyperlinks (e.g. related websites), images, audio, video: Optional, but recommended.
Endnotes: Optional, but recommended. Mandatory for quotes.
Bibliography, complementary websites and/or articles: Optional.
Biographical note: appears at the very end. 100 words maximum per author.
File format: DOC, ODT, RTF
General Guidelines
.dpi spelling conventions follows Canadian English spelling of words as applicable, e.g. labour, globalization, travelling, programme.
Write the text in the format that you wish it to appear in publication (paragraphs). Subtitles are in bold.
Accented characters
Upper case letters (inclusive of bibliographic titles) must be accented if they are accented characters in a language other than English.
After the period at the end of sentence, leave a single blank space. There is no blank space before the exclamation mark, the question mark, the semi-colon, or the colon.
Decades must be written as follows: 1980s.
Centuries must be written as XXth century, for example: 20th century.
Quotations of less than three lines are placed in quotation marks and are written in non-italicized characters in the body of the text.
Use double quotes “ ”, without a space between the quotation mark and the text.
E.g.: “Quae res in civitate duae plurimum possunt, eae contra nos ambae faciunt in hoc tempore, summa gratia et eloquentia; quarum alterum, C. Aquili, vereor, alteram metuo. Eloquentia Q. Hortensi ne me in dicendo impediat, non nihil commoveor, gratia Sex. Naevi ne P. Quinctio noceat, id vero non mediocriter pertimesco.”
When a quotation is incorporated within another quote then the inner quote uses single quotation marks “ ‘ ’ ”.
E.g.: “Quae res in civitate duae plurimum possunt, eae contra nos ambae faciunt in hoc tempore, summa gratia et eloquentia; ‘Naevi ne P. Quinctio noceat, id vero non mediocriter pertimesco’. Neque hoc tanto opere querendum videretur, haec summa in illis esse, si in nobis essent saltem mediocria.”
Quotations of more than three lines are reproduced without quotation marks and single spaced; they are separated from the body of the text and placed in their own paragraph with a left and right indent of 1 cm.
Quotations in foreign languages are always italicized; those of less than three lines must also be placed in quotation marks. They are accompanied by a translation, which is placed in a footnote with the name of the translator or the statement [my translation] between square brackets.
Hyperlinks in the Text
Presented in the text between chevrons < >, in which you enter the hyperlinked text followed by a dash and then the URL address: < Hyperlinked text – URL >
Images and Media (audio, video, etc.)
Between chevrons: < Accompanying caption for the image – followed by the name of the corresponding image file or URL to embed >
See also (below): Format of Image and Media Credits.
At the end of the document and according to the Chicago Manual of Style concerning citation of references.
Bibliography, complementary sites/articles
At the end of the document and according to the Chicago Manual of Style concerning citation of references.
Such as the bibliography or any websites/articles deemed pertinent for complementary information, other than those noted specifically in the text.
Embedding Media
Images and media can be sent via FTP or another filesharing website. They can also be embedded via another website (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) for which you provide the file’s URL.
Maximum dimensions: 1024x768 px
Up to 100 MB
Files: MP3, WAV, OGG
Up to 100 MB
Pictures, illustrations, etc.
Image resolution: 72 dpi
Maximum dimensions : 1200 px wide
Up to 2 MB
Format of Image and Media Credits
[Artist Name], [Name of the work], [Year], [Location]. Photo: [Photographer Name]. Permission of : [Name (e.g.: the artist)].
The format may vary depending on the context or the media.